Media Player Classic

PC Home-Cinéma, composants, configuration, logiciels, ...

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Messages : 2585
Inscription : 29 Jan 2004, 10:43
Localisation : Sumerland

Media Player Classic

Messagepar Goana » 31 Jan 2005, 17:07

Une nouvelle version de M.P.C. est dispo :) .

Au programme :

Subtitle Database (custom URL's availabe)
After Playback Options (close or shutdown)
Shader Options (DX9 only)
Custom fullscreen resolutions
DVD/OGM Audio Channel ivideo ac3 decoder option.
Lock back-buffer before presenting (may fix broken vertical sync)
New style Filters menu
Dirac Video Support

Messages : 800
Inscription : 01 Oct 2003, 22:30
Localisation : MULHOUSE
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Messagepar jef28 » 01 Fév 2005, 12:13

c'est encore une beta, je crois que je vais attendre al final

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Messages : 2585
Inscription : 29 Jan 2004, 10:43
Localisation : Sumerland

Messagepar Goana » 01 Mars 2005, 16:09


la finale est sortie ;) .

La béta marchait bien, mais je vais quand même upgrader ;) .

Messages : 800
Inscription : 01 Oct 2003, 22:30
Localisation : MULHOUSE
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Messagepar jef28 » 02 Mars 2005, 09:08

Et hop c'ets upgrader :D

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Messages : 130
Inscription : 06 Nov 2003, 16:06

Messagepar artefact » 24 Mars 2005, 18:39

Bonjour, sortis en français !

- remembering playlist items can be turned off in the context menu
- fixed shaders randomly disappearing from the menu
- aspect ratio presets at view/video frame/override aspect ratio (default, 4:3, 5:4, 16:9)
- ctrl held during resizing keeps the window tight around the video

capture mode:
- better compatibility with terratec cinergy and other cards which output audio themselves
- the television standard can be set indirectly by the country code at the open device dialog (there is no other way in directshow...)
- a deinterlacer filter is loaded when the height is larger than 288 lines, only for previewing (the following color formats are supported: yuy2/uyvy/yv12/i420/iyuv)
- if there is only one video format offered by the video capture pin (320x240 for example) then mpc adds several other standard resolutions to the combo box

vmr9 renderless: (changes by Haali)
- bilinear + bicubic resizers, using pixel shader 2.0 (3d mode only)
- speed issues on secondary display may be fixed now (the file has to be opened there)

- fixed the bug of serving external files from certain paths
- cgi support (tested with php only)
- default page can be set (index.html, etc.)

Je vais tester ça ce soir

ooO ~ ARTEFACT ~ Ooo

Messages : 211
Inscription : 21 Déc 2003, 20:01

Messagepar Guish » 24 Mars 2005, 22:19

artefact a écrit :vmr9 renderless: (changes by Haali)
- bilinear + bicubic resizers, using pixel shader 2.0 (3d mode only)

Si c'était possible d'avoir quelques feedback la dessus :wink: .

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