[DVD] Fat Man & Little Boy - Z1

Film en salle, Téléfilms, Bluray, DVD

Modérateurs : RNO, Compte Special Jeu, MatiouzTone, Les Modérateurs

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[DVD] Fat Man & Little Boy - Z1

Messagepar RNO » 09 Fév 2004, 14:39


Fat Man & Little Boy : Film de Rolan Joffe (1989)
Nouveau transfer anamorphique 1.85:1, Dolby Digital 5.1, pas d'extras. le prix sera de $14.95.

Il a écrit :In real life, Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific head of the Manhattan Project, the secret wartime project in New Mexico where the first atomic bombs were designed and built. General Leslie Groves was in overall command of it. This film reenacts the project with an emphasis on their relationship.

Commandable chez DVDSoon pour ... 7€ :D : http://www.dvdsoon.com/show-title-detai ... r_id=10008
RN :mrgreen:
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